
I’m Sorry I Was Bringing You Down

It's funny how you can think you're happy

and then you remember something you wanted to forget

and the thing that made you happy no longer matters anymore.


Sweat Turns To Cold

Is it possible for something to be so good it makes you nauseous?


I'm Still Restless


I'll have an interesting life

And you'll want to read this.

Who knows? Maybe you'll have to pay.

Never Coming Home

1. I've got to get out of this place.

2. Kiss to kill- now there's a thought!

3. I've contemplated the merits of dirty jpegs sent via email. I also contemplated the wonders of mass email forwarding.

4. I don't understand my fellow women, nevermind men.

5. "Ever get the feeling that you're never all alone?"

6. Bless mutual friends, they let you vent and simply agree.

7. Shut up brain- its not her!

8. Then who?

9. Hello, tomorrow.

10. I hate odd numbers.